Goodnight beloved Masters, are 11:20 am, and I connect, I do not know what happens, really. Suddenly, at 10 a quarter, I felt energy, as usual, to channel, but gave me a scare, I was afraid, which is not normal. When you call me, it is not normal, but after this, I opened the computer to see if there was any news, any event that has caused this, and found nothing.
Say, my indicators tell me that there is an energetic presence of you, but I'm not sure. It's like I feel, a certain fear, do not know if this has to do with it since yesterday at noon, again I have had serious physical problems, and really are not my invention. Because I've shared with someone who comes twice per week, to give me massage. And it was really terrible, all the air was thick, put incense, we set sail, sprayed with perfume, the room, however, was tremendous.
My friend, was all the time, yawning, belching, tears came to him and me, the pressure went to my 20, and since yesterday, I am in the dance of the pressure again.
So, sorry that I have not reported right away, but I am uneasy. Today we cleaned the house, and well, I do not know.
in case, I connect, but I reserve if you do not know well, who you're talking about, I will not make the channel.
If you, dear teachers, listen to this, and I know, I hope you understand. 'm Waiting.
Well, one thing that reassures me, I see that several of you present. To you I am not afraid, quite the opposite, I love you.
Well, Who here is going to take the floor, please?
Masters, I'm waiting. I see that you are talking as if they were undecided. Who will get the message now?
"Alexiis am Kirael. I've seen, you've seen that is Yeshua, which is Kryon, we are many. So do not any need for fear.
I explain a little, your readers, what you have said in the introduction, because many assume that your physical problems, from poor health or whatever.
Since you've come to Bariloche, you bought a house on land that is very, shall we say, extremely polluted, but not as land, but intraterrestrial.
Ya, again, the Master Yeshua told you, when you felt really bad, you've got to fight, at night, with dragons. And so, is what has happened to you yesterday.
is a little necessary to clarify this, because for readers and for those who hear this message, they will not understand.
All the land you have bought, where your house has been heavily polluted by negative energy, groundwater, say so, and one of your missions, precisely, is to clean the whole area.
've received lots of help, has also suffered much physically as a result of all this, and just yesterday, as has been noted with your pendulum, it was, say, an excavation in the earth, because you're making a attached to your home, for services, what you call, sewers, has had to make deep hole, and there have touched bases of these negative energies, which of course, have taken the opportunity to climb, and you found and attacked, for you, and your mate.
Today, they have already taken action, both by the parties who build, as yourself, and others, there is no need to name, but has been cleaning your house. But, still resides in you, the fear of what happens to your physical status.
is unfortunate that these things occur again, because just based on all the inner work you have been doing lately, finally were in the hope that good, from here on, I going to recover and have the necessary strength to face all situations. And again, you've been hit, completely unpredictable. Neither we as we have seen, because these are details, which of course we can not walk setting.
So, dear friend, and this now goes for everyone, for all humanity.
important thing is, when something happens, do not let folded directly, do not think it's bad luck. Discuss, consider, try to investigate what is happening, and to put a remedy. Many physical symptoms you are suffering, by the energy input to the planet, part of the great central sun and other cosmic emissions, yes, your physical body is altered. But he was upset, if you are scared, they think they are sick, and run to the doctors.
Alexiis Vos, has had the courage, as you said, to stop all medication, is now, more than a month. Now, of course, attacks like the one yesterday, have had, again throw you back, and make you doubt, if you're doing well. If you're doing well.
Ultimately, we come in, during the hours of sleep, we are working with you all. We are working to activate your DNA, we are activating all cells, all organs, so that you are able, of the final steps for climbing.
Many will say, because Alexiis messages contain much material particular for her.
Kirael I am, as I said before, and Alexiis through my group of Kirael in Hawaii, has been awakened to Lemurian origin, has received a lot of information, and is sharing . You see, that receives messages from the Chancellor and all that. So for us it is important, and has been asked to share their experiences, their experiences so that others may realize that they are not alone when something happens.
requires great courage, the naked soul, as it does, but we've asked us, and Alexiis, as a teacher, has accepted the challenge and is fulfilling. So tonight, I came, but now I learn, initially panicked, but I came because I wanted to clarify this.
knew that it was not going to write on their own, but we need you, everyone, realize, that the smallest things can have adverse consequences, but to overcome these consequences adverse, just is not denying them, but study, which may represent, and how can solve.
Dear friends, learning times will continue, until you, come to take the big step. But do not believe that after that, you end up learning, learning is eternal, continuous learning, not to the same consequences, of course, what we are suffering in the third dimension, no, not that. But learning itself, will continue, until the day we all meet again with the Creator, and we are ONE.
I send my great love for all humanity, and Alexiis, goes on well, go ahead, provided what you asked.
With all my love, I am Kirael. "
Master Kirael Thanks, honestly I was scared, you're right, thanks.
May 1, 2011
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