Goodnight beloved Masters are 3:35 in the morning, just close the computer, and wanting to get up, I feel your presence, and with great force.
So, I present you with all my love, and my boy grabadorcito to receive the message that anyone of you wants to convey.
"Oh my girl, my girl, I am the Mother Mary, you're so, so busy with everything you want covered, and everything they want from you, really, I've put it's name, kindergarten teacher, queries that come to you and that you hurry to respond, clearly demonstrate.
And frankly, you complained of, that you have not submitted prior to receiving the pipeline, because it is you've been wasting time, on the contrary, you are helping in your way so special, brothers in need, and have a great capacity to do so, because for a simple writing, has received more or less, the age of the person who writes, and either directly, gave, as they say, on the key, I congratulate you Alexiis, very well done.
Yo, today I come, because obviously, tomorrow, is of great importance to all humanity, have received thousands of messages about it. I know that many people gather in groups, do meditation or other ceremonies, say, to celebrate Wesak, but now I want to address, which, as you Alexiis are alone.
I know that for you, you're not from those intended for private ceremonies, will be a day of hard work, but work to help humanity, sending messages, with translations, with the pipelines, if any. And tomorrow if I ask, to pay attention, if anyone of you wants to pass at the last moment, some information.
Besides all this, is of course that does not even have time to read everything you receive, and you're also going through a critical media, because of your health, eye, critical not in the sense that you are in danger or anything like that. But your daughters, they want change, in a way, your style life.
I know you refused the first time, but yesterday the end, they agreed to. Well done, because really, for the overall picture is not important, you'll go your way, that, no doubt, and as you, every single human being has to become aware of who is and based on that act. And if someone has clear, what is your mission, you must also act accordingly.
This is a general recommendation in principle, has nothing to do with tomorrow's date, but for tomorrow's date, has passed both, but both material and, I do not want to add anything more to it, but simply, I want to refer to something that corresponds to the daily life of you.
everyday life, which in its most important, is the manifestation of love, if love and to love yourself. And with that, now, I'll let you go to rest, tomorrow we tax deductible.
I send all my love, and wrap them up in my blanket of light, I am the Mother Mary. "
Mother Thanks, and sorry I did not realize that before, you're right, so much is coming, so what's next, long discarded, but the important things I can not rule out, and yet beyond my ability to evaluate everything, read everything in order. Thank you Mother.
I know you understand me, and I am deeply grateful.
to, say tomorrow, because in reality, no time or space, so thanks.
May 17, 2011
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