Friday, May 13, 2011

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G:\Imágenes SaräAmma\Maestros\Yeshua1.jpg

Good night or good morning dear teachers, are at 4:20 in the morning.
was explaining to a reader, what are my indicators because the custom mention that in my pipe, now suddenly I have many questions, and I have not yet succeeded, who I take pictures, to send him.
At this writing, automatically look up and see you all on the go, so good, I interrupted the message, and here I stand, see, who wants to send a message.
Teachers Sorry, I have to laugh, I know, is not a normal thing, but it is.
Well, I am hoping with all my love.
"I am Yeshua, Alexiis, you know. But for those who will listen or read, I have to clarify.
Yes, there has been a thing quite unusual, not normal, say, in the meantime, your collection of hanging ornaments, which are set in motion, when presented with our energy, I think it is 6 or 7, never mind.
But ourselves, we have to laugh because we come from, all quiet, and begin to react to our energy. Something very similar happened to you at first, when you moved to Bariloche, and you had that ring indicator to draw another person, in another piece, which eventually had to shut down because it triggered our energy.
And many times, though we present ourselves, and there are sleeping, do not want to wake up, but I woke up the caller. So, you invented something new.
That is, a scientist, not say it's something new, because the energy, some energy, like ours, used to move items in your case, a plate, an angel, and things well.
If you, mankind would be much more attentive to their surroundings, would be that many, though not channels, sometimes, if they have internal plants, the plants, the leaves move, but not fixed. They move, because it passes an angelic energy, spend some other type of energy, which is not common and normal air.
Each time, we are more and more present on the planet, and in your case every time, you move more and more, your indicators. Now, please dear, do not you dare remove them from the ceiling.
At that time we have allowed, because it was not possible, turn off your ringer, so to speak, but indicators do not take the ceiling.
is very nice, very nice, does not hurt anyone, and at least smile.
humans really know, how important is the joy, the smile. Much has always been important, eye, but much more at this stage, that there are indeed many dramas. It is important to keep the joy, laughter, smile, because everything is a power output.
If you cry, get a negative energy to be joining in the cosmos, and form you call, the egregores, and formed egregores, anger, anger, hate, are things so negative, that at any given time, return to the earth, and cause damage. But, even so, the energies of love, light, coming together, are producing profit.
is for this reason that we originally gave the idea of \u200b\u200bforming what are circles love groups that are working in full, and we are very happy, very, very happy, for all you are getting with this issue of love and energy.
I know you all at this time, they are active, sending light and love for Spain, which has suffered another, say, blow from Mother Nature, it was anticipated. He had expected much worse, but your beloved Gaia, doing everything humanly possible, it sounds strange, yes, daughter, I know, never mind, you understand it, does everything possible to minimize the harm to their children . But it is also necessary that certain things are removed, are drawn into the air to relieve the pressure on it.
Well my dear friends, this was not an intended message, but always good, remember the importance, which provide love, to provide light, which give happiness.
I love them deeply, and soon, soon we will really face to face.
I am Yeshua, Sananda Immanuel Esu Kumara or with all my love. "
Thanks Master, the message is not provided, thanks.

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