Sharon Waxman is not engaged, however, to speculate. Rather it is a living encyclopedia of art looting occurred in recent "years, decades, centuries ...? Hauling first-hand information, the result of interviews, living with patrons, museum directors, advocates of heritage, etc., Author of Plunder . The art of stealing art made a neat but exciting journey through the stormy world of artistic embezzlement by the bickering of the desecration of art. Drawing on numerous specific episodes, the Parthenon to the Egyptian pyramids, Waxman confronts the main points of view: the country that demands the return looted, and the new owner who refuses to return, qualifying the pros and cons, citing legal details, list of articles, biographies unknown shameful chapters, and Above all, offering a wealth of information to found and irreconcilable positions are displayed with all its lights and shadows. After the reading, however, continue to doubt whether it would be more convenient than the Louvre or the British keep their work locked

only knew David Mena for his short story included in the anthology Tales of the wire (Pratfall, 2004), which, incidentally, is now integrated into King Kong's girlfriend (Berenice, 2010), with which has been done with the Andalusian Youth Award for Fiction. As happened with one of the last winners of the contest, Braulio Ortiz Poole, the arrangement of the work of Mena is also somewhat unusual, as it is organized as a set of subdivided micorrelatos cluster covering some of the most sympathetic to Author: el thriller, el cómic, los videojuegos, el circo, los cuentos infantiles, el cine, la mitología, la literatura medieval, los clásicos... Como suele suceder en estos casos, no todas las piezas están a la misma altura, pero en su gran mayoría consiguen atrapar al lector con su poder evocador, humorístico o su entramado referencial que remite a universos culturales facilmente reconocibles. Mena es un valor a seguir.
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