Goodnight Beloved Masters, it's 3:30 in the morning, and it took me a little, get connected, because I'm trying to figure out who is calling me.
But there are many, but many names turning in my head, I could not achieve.
So, I try to raise my vibration, and hope to receive the message you want to convey.
"Alexiis am Isku Sirius, do not I'm unknown, I know. And many times we have been in contact, apart from being you, one of ours, and good contact is fluid.
did well to raise your vibration, although at that tapeworms, because while are dealing with, say, with the material, lessons, already, you must be at an elevation higher than the 3D, to interpret and convey what you want to express, very well.
That, just as a greeting and introduction.
As you know, for many other channels too, are all Syrians, in a state, I can not say, alert, because if not, we are ready at any time, to show physically and establish contact with you real visible.
Things are progressing at a rapid pace, but according to divine order, as you know, who has the final word of the events is the Creator, and everyone, absolutely everyone, everywhere in the universe, work together, under the directions that come to us in that regard.
Here there are, and rivalries between each other, but each of us, we are aware of what we're doing, and do, to help our fellow humans, to finally achieve the full awakening, and accompany our beloved Gaia, to take their place in the cosmos, where it belongs.
I see with pleasure, which are again active, more active, at no time left to be, but more active, because there are several nights in succession, I have been watching, in which the three in the morning, you're busy, what you call, your computer to receive, transmit messages, to help other brothers, in short, all that great work you do.
And also, I'm glad that you have turned again, the awakening of the Lemurian. Are increasingly, those who in one way or another, are touched by the called the Chancellor of Lemuria, or about one thing or another. Very well done, because then, it will increase the brotherhood, a feeling of all. We are all well aware that for human 3D, it is almost impossible to imagine and understand, has already had so many previous lives, which do not appear in the common memory, yet.
yourself, you see, as every day, with the work you're doing, you will awaken more and more memory, and that's what we need.
precisely, there are, fortunately, some of you who are in the forefront, advancing, and thus helping your brothers.
We, here, I say from here, but we are much closer, because we are around the planet with our ships, for any eventuality, no doubt, that, say , the disturbance energy of Mother Earth, in its cleaning, is great. So we must be ready at any second, to provide our help.
Dear friends, we welcome more and more, when we find a soul starting to remember, and to recover their ancestral memory, so be it.
And we give these messages and continue to report that for many, as the channel is already known material, but is necessary for starting the road.
So all of you the advanced and those who are waking up, and also those who are still asleep. We played a soft bell, to see if they start to awaken.
greeting with a huge, light and love I'm Isku Sirius. "
Isku Thanks, for some time that we have not talked. I know I have not been so active in the pipeline, but I'm glad to return. I love talking with you.
Thank you and good night or good morning.
April 28, 2011
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