Buen día amados Maestros, son las tres y media de la mañana, me acabo de levantar, y para mi gran sorpresa, mis indicadores andan girando, a todo lo que da.Lo que menos esperaba, que me iban a llamar a canalizar ahora.Ustedes saben perfectamente, que ya hace un tiempo, casi diría, un mes y medio, no ando bien y por eso tampoco, no me llama la atención, que ustedes no se comuniquen tanto conmigo, muy de vez en cuando, pero, bueno, sinceramente, para explicar un poco, el día 15 de marzo, he decidido dejar todos los remedios, alopáticos y naturistas, todo, y me he dedicado plenamente, a la auto-sanación.Lo he hecho una vez, hace 20 años, y me has been very good. But now I have 20 years, and the body is not so agile, so it costs me more, but I am determined to pursue adelante.Hago this explanation, because, how to do better, many are surprised that lately I'm not channeling. Actually, I do not feel I'm now energía.Y, breathe deeply, trying to raise my vibration, to receive, what you want transmitir.Gracias, thank you, because to me, is a great incentive, that even in these conditions, you call me, and communicate with me. It is very important, because, really I am struggling with myself, not to decline and continue adelante.Ahora'm breathing ... ..
"I am Yeshua, Alexiis, you know, I can go down to size, not too high, and I want to facilitate your health, so you can communicate contigo.Realmente, and this and, leaving aside all the work you are doing yourself, which really bless you, because hopefully many, or all humanity must be made aware that you all have the ability to self-sanación.No is necessary to run, for whatever , physician, finds nada.Se they do not feel bad, yes, of course, the incoming energies to the planet, are so strong, but so strong that your physical body, it costs a lot, then, learn and follow a pace normal.Sienten symptoms endless amounts, I'm not going to put a list, because there are other channels that are dealing with it, and they are transmitiendo.Lo yes, I want to stress , all light workers have to be in full atención.Sé that it is very difficult, as in the case of this canal, feeling physically ill, be alert. But we need warnings, this is the moment, they have to settle, they have said, with his two feet firmly planted on earth to withstand abbots received. One day, another day, every day there algo.Aunque, as in another post, I've passed through another channel, I said, we're doing everything possible to lessen the - say - the suffering of humanity, to slow things produciendo.Pero there are big changes, if or if, they will have to occur, it is necessary to Mother Earth, can finally take the position that touches occupy in the universe, we say así.Es lot still missing, but we approach each day. And we need people like you Alexiis, and many others, despite being wrong, despite being weak, do everything possible to be at our disposal in order to transmit messages that are not a new thing, are recurrent . But they are necessary, for the reason that, fortunately, is occurring, a greater awakening of humanity. And this humanity, you just wake up, needs to hear or read these things because we are not talking here saben.No of you who for years and years, are working. For you, this is nothing new. But for beginners, it is new, and do not want, of course, that mistake in the path are caminando.Es necessary, they know that the discomfort they feel, are in part reactions of our beloved sun, the coronal mass ejection, energy inputs, the Great Central Sun, the influences that are, in the magnetosphere, in short, all the myriad things that are happening at terrestre.Hay many things that even come to the attention of most of humanity, because it still broadcast official media, are not registered, are not communicating this. So, we depend on you, which can communicate with us, to communicate, to as many people as possible, this información.Alexiis, thank you, because you realize that you were calling, and react, but it costs, but no matter, we know we can count on you, like so many, and many other. all my fellow humans, I send my great love, and I say, I'm on the planet, I'm walk on earth, and will arrive soon, the moment that I will see, personalmente.Hasta soon my dear, and on, with that love, go ahead with that light that I needed to todos.Yo Sananda Esu Immanuel Yeshua with all my love. "
Oh Master, thank you. I was not able to channel or received, or pensé.Bueno, thank you, because you help me confirm that, finally, I'm not flat .--
Alexiis26 April, 2011
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