Good morning Beloved Masters, are 10:05 am, and the call was so important that in a moment I did believe, he was getting an attack, but no, you are calling me.
So, since I'm helpful, which wants to transmit a message.
"Alexiis am The Chancellor of Lemuria, not long ago come to speak with you, but I know that at the time it takes, there you are.
I want to stress, as many of you know, our mother country, Lemuria, will re-emerge to the surface. Unfortunately, to do that, many other areas that are now populated, will be under water. But so are the cycles of the earth.
We, in turn, have had to sink, and now we will re-emerge.
As is known, many of you, etheric level, we are again present, but not physical, so you can appreciate. However, this will occur soon.
Therefore, it is now, from all over are coming called attention, that you are prepared for what is to come.
We can not deny, that will be hard times, very strong, but never forget, that the souls in those events, leaving the earth plane, are souls that they have chosen. They are souls who have chosen this form of leave, either to pay a karma, long-accumulated, which would require countless lives, to solve, and so he offered up this sacrifice, they do it once, and then, when reach the other side the veil, as you call it, decide what they will do. Whether to return to the planet, whether they will continue their evolutionary path, in other parts. That depends on each one, and it is one thing that none of us are forced to do something.
All you have free will, to live their lives as they want, unfortunately, have lost consciousness, a freedom they have.
Every soul is born on planet earth, born with a purpose, but after that, when they enter the third dimension, with the veil that obstructs the memories of before, we would say. Sometimes they are wrong way, and take the path that was not intended.
All this, are things known to you, but I remember them because it makes no sense, you will walk the desperate, for what happens in certain parts of the world. Everyone is affected by major events, cataclysms, no one is unaffected, although perhaps physically at that time remain in their own place.
But the energy released by these disasters, is so great, but so great that every human being is affected, one way or another.
But the important thing is that when this happens, they realize, that did not become ill suddenly, but are going through, along with Gaia, the great labor, to reach the fifth dimension.
Everyone, absolutely everyone involved, even if they are asleep, you still sleeping human, they do not want to know, absolutely nothing is happening, they do not want to become aware, they do not want to get involved. For them, it is easier, sitting around, and do, as if nothing happened, yet they will be affected.
And for that, we need you, the lightworkers, say, the fog light, all those who have committed themselves in the path of light. We need the skill, and your strength to help these humans, to be found, disoriented, not knowing where to grab. It is here where you, with light and love, they have to help these brothers who do not know where to go.
My dear fellow humans, Lemurian, everyone, absolutely everyone, confronted with love and light, which comes, everyone will be affected, one way or another. This is not opinion, nor is to be judged, is the way that Mother Earth has to take, to get rid of all the dross accumulated over eons of time.
Here I will not cast blame, no longer makes sense, what was done, was done and now we have cleaned, just like everyone else, have to go inside and search every nook and cranny of your being, if it is stuck, something negative. You have to let it out, release it, loving it, sending light.
have to love yourself, because only loving themselves, are capable of loving others. We can not have someone who has hatred or anger in his heart, say you love your neighbor, that's not real.
love yourself, to love others.
I send all my love, my light, I Am, The Chancellor of Lemuria.
Alexiis And I'm glad you're able to receive strong messages again. We need you in the ranks, so you have to draw strength from where you have them, you have them in your past, but your physical body is in trouble, but as Alexiis, you are invincible.
Bless you, and I'll see you again.
With my love to all. "
Thanks Chancellor, came with a force that Well, obviously if I can get back the .
Thanks and all my love, we will be Lemuria.
April 2, 2011
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