Hello dear teachers, are at 4:50 am, and I feel like they are calling me, but I'm not sure, and before the doubt, I connect with you, to see if anyone wants to send a message.
As always, I am waiting with love.
Yes, of course, there are several of you here, dear Teacher. But, as they can not speak all at once, please forward that is below one, to convey the message.
"I Kirael, Alexiis.
I want to emphasize, that at this point, what you call Internet is flooded message, one way and another.
is true, there is much movement, led by Mother Earth, you know, it is necessary to proceed to its purification, but also, unfortunately, a lot of information, which does not correspond to truth, and that is why, again, we need to focus on something that has already been said so many times.
Use your discernment, not to get hooked by the fear or the fear that is what they want.
I transmitting these messages are those who want create confusion in humanity, in the light workers, to doubt what they are doing, and leave the right path.
Please, dear friends, pay attention, be vigilant and alert. I know, in your case, Alexiis, the messages must be transmitted, if, for every human being has the commitment, discernment.
No judge, court, everyone has to take responsibility for their own life, and so that's what many people have to understand yet. Even the mixed messages have to be evaluated. Because you have to reach a point of development, a point of such developments, which are fully able to discern, what you call good and evil.
be not stop, do not let a terror, not applicable. Because you all know, there is much movement, there is disaster, as they are called, there are things that have no explanation for you. But everything is related to the purification of Mother Earth, and hence with the purification and preparation of humanity, who wants to accompany the Mother Earth in its ascension into the fifth dimension.
Stay tuned, but basically they are in love, in order to emit light and love to all mankind, all the kingdoms, to Mother Earth, and the entire Universe. Because it may seem incomprehensible, so to speak, but the entire universe is affected by what is going through, our beloved Gaia.
This has repercussions throughout the universe, the entire cosmos is like a wave, which expands, and affects everyone. As it affects every human, even those who are still sleeping, sleeping believing they have nothing to do with what happens. They are wrong, wrong, and hopefully the time comes, soon to wake up yet.
I send all my light and my love. I'm Kirael. "
Thanks Maestro, thank you for bringing light, there where ever needed. Thanks.
April 15, 2011
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