is four in the morning, and continues strongly, agitation.
"Alexiis, breathe deeply, and rise. Rise, raise your vibration, I need you with high vibration, to receive my message.
I Am The Chancellor of Lemuria, and I'm making a call, all Lemurian, all who are awake, and those who are still asleep, waiting to awaken from time to time.
Lemurian, the time has come, when all you have to be careful, try to read, try to get as much information as possible, what was, and what remains your homeland.
Many of you have read, that's out of water is to raise again, at ground level, Lemuria ... and I need all of you, all of you, attentive and willing to do the work that we do.
Remember, those with memory, which at the time, that our beloved country was going down, all the Lemurian, we are committed to be present to Mother Earth, when His ascension. That time is coming now. Therefore, it is necessary that all of you, try to regain his memory.
I know that this channel is doing everything possible to each person who is consulted, tries to help him regain his memory, his awareness that is Lemurian.
abound, currently on the planet, and we need to recover to know who they are.
You, as have been, have great power and that power is necessary to help the beloved Gaia, on the steps being taken.
We, the Lemurian, together with all the star fleets that are surrounding the planet Earth, we will work to elevate, to raise it to as many humans, that will accompany.
You know, this is the project, this project is, because Mother Earth, this time, he insisted, as they do not want to take the plunge, without a certain amount of their children. Accompanying the more children the better.
then up to you, depends on each one of you, because to take that step, must be prepared, must be willing, in knowledge, and would almost say, sacrifice . Because many of you, now, this moment of life today, they represent a sacrifice. Have physical problems are economic problems have problems of all kinds, but all that I have to overcome, by the great end for the big event of the ascension of Mother Earth, along with you.
I stand, as the channel sees me, and as I have been in earlier times, the highest peak of Lemuria, so to speak, to send my love to send my energy, but also, to incite, encourage them to regain his memory, recover the knowledge of who they are.
You are Lemurian, and long ago, every one of you has made a commitment to be, with help now. And that is what is needed, but that help can give it only if they are aware of who you really are, and that's what matters.
Here, the channel has a way of helping them is helping many to regain his memory, at least the hint, you know, I've been Lemurian, and I still am.
My dear children, my beloved Lemurian, soon, very soon, we will be face to face, partying, having fulfilled its commitment, eons ago. The commitment to be present, saying, I am Lemurian, and I am present at this time to help the beloved Mother Earth in her ascension.
This is the new call, to wake up this morning.
Soon, very soon, we shall see face to face. I Am The Chancellor of Lemuria.
Alexiis And thanks for having been able to elevate what is necessary. "
Chancellor Thanks, I see, as I've seen, eons ago earlier as the most normal, listen, what we were coming to share. Thanks to have awakened in me, being Lemurian, thanks.
April 26, 2011
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