going to be midnight, and again perceive the call of the Goddess, the call to join All Goddesses the planet and the Cosmos, to radiate our energy, our love, the whole planet, humanity, in all realms, and ultimately, our beloved Gaia, which you call Mother Earth.
We are accompanied by the music of the spheres, concerts, angels, light beings, hope you enjoy, I hope you will join us, a lot of human souls, to radiate light, and love, which is sorely lacking.
Know that we, all the Goddesses, Goddesses of Light, of all the female energy, led by the beloved Mother Mary, we are now, surrounding our planet, surrounding him, to bless our love, our energy, to help in healing, in His ascension to finally achieve the goal, so long proposal.
I hope you have a lot of humans, who will join us in this important moment, but so important for healing, recovery, and also, to the extent possible, avoid further disasters.
We send our light, we send our love to soften, to help, to bless.
Our energies, reach the core of Mother Earth, in this crystalline core, so beautiful, surrounded by our love, is infinite energy of light, but for that we are, that's our mission at this time, our light radiate, radiate our love. This includes all the colors of the rainbow, and beyond, colors, until now, have not been known to mankind, but who know, as they arrive, the fifth dimension.
Beloved Mother Earth, we love you, bless you and send you, all our light and our love. We are, all the female energy, and all Goddesses Light.
Gaia love you, love you.
16 de April, 2011
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