beloved Masters Sorry, it's 3:30 in the morning, and I am so upset that, I just fixed, and my indicators show your presence.
So I do not know if the disturbance, I do not know if it's because I've noticed you have called me, sorry.
You well know that I'm struggling with my physical body, which is not to mold to the mandates of the Higher Self, the suggestions I have for you all, but makes his own. Yesterday, all day, go to a high pressure, I know that a normal human person, or could stand, and now well, I'm very upset.
But given that indicators show that someone of you is this, I connect.
And despite all this protest, you know, if you have a message to send, receive it with all my love.
I look deep breaths to calm down, to raise my vibration, and to receive it, as he deserves, who wants to talk.
"Ay, ay, ay Alexiis am Yeshua.
really your life, lately it has become quite chaotic. The duality in which you living, your body in three dimensions, which gives problems and more problems, eye, is not it or neglect it, or anything, but you're having a lot of energy attacks, and I also know that your party, what would be your Higher Self , or Alexiis, for me, has decided, since the mid-month, taking the reins.
you stopped all the medications they gave you that all they do is hurt you, but yesterday was something that you completely out of control.
As you say, the pressures you had during the day yesterday, it is impossible for a normal human, hold. Well, there intervenes, your share of Alexiis.
This, say, this introduction is for you, my dear sister, now comes the rest.
I know that are circulating, messages, and messages and messages that say one thing, they say the other thing, that conflict, that are going crazy, all of you.
The Japanese, of course, is serious, he was very serious, but they are giving, so many turns, and are looking for, so many twists and turns, to put poison, which is impossible. If this continues, Alexiis, we'll suggest you stop forwarding messages.
know, on the other hand, 'I can not tell, because if you do not pass it on, all the rest of your readers, are left without knowing what is happening, and there, it is important , living in a world of free will do very well to say that everyone has to decide for yourself, if you accept something or not.
I know it is one of the struggles that have many times, because people do not want to see the ominous message, well, is they decide if they want, or do not want, or simply deleted.
But I also understand, your commitment, to have informed you all, but partly because they are abusing. Let's wait a little while longer if this continues, will come the order, from our side that you just spend, to the drainage pipes and fellow forward.
reports were run out and see what happens then.
It's easy, ah well, Alexiis commands, elsewhere, this does not leave, do not know where to look because there is no particular side, where all this is recorded.
is why, for so many years, even, we have encouraged, to do this but also we can not run the risk that all this burden is filling you, you do decline physically in a way that we can not, nor do we tolerate at this time.
the channel you need as you need, as you call, and we'll call you in fact you did not you, the name, unlike the kindergarten teacher. Yes, you have to continue teaching, and unfortunately, to continue teaching, tienes que seguir mandando los mensajes. Es todo un círculo vicioso.
La humanidad tarda tanto, pero tanto, tanto en aprender, en abrir los ojos, en saber discernir, en tomarse, ni siquiera las molestias. Hay tantos, que simplemente, es más cómodo, no lo veo, no lo leo, no veo lo que dice mi corazón de esto. Porque incluso, tienen que dejar de lado, el ego y la mente, tienen que ver, lo que les dice el corazón, es tan difícil, para algunos.
Y justamente, vos tienes un corazón tan grande, que te hace seguir, contra viento y marea.
My dear friend, sister, for many, many years, and eons of time, we are supporting you, we are doing everything possible, but we see that humans themselves, you are sending arrows, and arrows, and it's amazing.
is incredible, and do not want you out of circulation, because we know that we have a kindergarten teacher, but we, who take your place.
So today, I come to claim, everyone, absolutely everyone who receives these messages. Think a little, think a little, that if everyone puts their bit Sandy, can relieve it.
If things do not know, okay, the view is interesting, but it is possible to spend hours and hours and days and days, and message after message on the question. Plus, if anyone, whether a technician or a scientist, and his thoughts, a phenomenon also logically ask the opinion of ordinary humans, but do not go repeating, and repeating, like parrots, which says a and another.
I know a lot, not going to like this post, which many will say, ah, feels Alexiis bad, so this message is so, no. Not so.
I am Yeshua, Sananda Immanuel Esu, and as such am responsible for everything that is being manifested here.
who I am, with Alexiis, in a more personal, with many others, is explained, in antiquity, we have been together in this way. Long before even the planet Earth existed long before even than she herself knows.
So, that's the reason, because here, I present myself as Yeshua, but have no doubt I can show as Sananda, as the Planetary Prince, I'm stepping on the planet, although I have not seen it yet, and will arrive on time.
Alexiis And also for you, will come a time that we see in front again.
I send you all my light and love, and think a bit, discuss things and not let themselves inspire fear, because there are a few lunatics, who want to get important news broadcasting not match.
Think, discuss, discern.
With all my love, I am Yeshua. "
Oh Master, thank you. Simply, I can not say another word, thanks.
April 1, 2011
http:// alexiis-vozdelaluz.
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