Beloved masters, this is not a pipe, this is a message that I send I as Alexiis, to you, I thank all the blessings I receive daily from my readers, those who accompany me on a day to day, hour by hour.
Human , I personally do not know, but humans, who write to me, encouraging me to keep going.
Human in In many cases, I can help, thank you for giving me this possibility, because this way of life, although I find it hard to live in two dimensions at once, as I am doing.
But I have hope, I'll achieve total meeting Alexiis Anita, this, I feel like tonight, so I was born, send this message to you, because generally, we custom, go begging, begging and begging.
But I now ask nothing, I now appreciate all that you, the Masters, Light Beings and The Creator have given me, and I am getting.
even appreciate, making awareness of things that happen, the noticing, increasingly, what it represents, even if a problem is another learning that my soul has to do. Including, increasingly, what is the soul.
I think it's easier to face things and situations that arise in day to day.
Thanks Masters, infinite thanks.
would take too long to enumerate each of those who have supported me in this path.
you all my infinite love and gratitude.
And now, I'll finish.
I Am Alexiis and Anita.
April 16, 2011
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