Friday, May 20, 2011
Heartburn And Headache Everyday
And with the income this month is upon us, more dementia, all the official apparatus to make us understand (damn fools) who are so privileged to take two hundred years off, that should we get to think about that:
1) In the middle of the bicentennial of our "independence" of the English crown, in the capital's main square there were thousands of cheering MEXICO SPAIN,, being the champion of the world.
2) We are a free, independent and sovereign, in full your celebration on September 16, there will be 16 foreign military contingents marching in Mexico City.
3) We are so independent that announce the impossibility of reducing taxes, when just last year went against the will of all.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
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Comfortably installed in the observatory of the dates, mother's day surprise me with their barrage of hypocrisy, silly gifts and pledges and promises and all that reconciles the remainder of the stems very valemadristas those.
Then I see the offer: totomoxtle Birds, flowers, feathers, paper flowers, animals, flowers, stuffed animals. Pure false thing, which replaces the real. I do not see animals that are actually animals, flowers are just flowers, bird feathers owners. No, it appears that most false thing will be the best reception. So is the small detail or intention, hug or promise. Everything, everything holds to be false. And mothers, what is left, they themselves are willing to accept the obvious falsehood.
Following the scope of the mothers are detergents that contain real lemon juice, while packaged juices with artificial flavors. Pants aged in a plant in Cambodia are sold at high prices, while a pair is aged for use cruelly despised. Hair dyes, anti-wrinkle creams. I see the output of the schools where they make those festivals, children who swallow a monstrous amount of artificial flavors short of unbearable, but stubbornly natural reluctance to eat a radish or lettuce.
facades of houses which simulates brick masonry Rosette is elegant, but without reversing the wall is little more than a pigsty. Tags simulating bullets or damage in a car are low, but a car gunned down or dented is horrible. The gift shops and rustic furniture are cool, but a poor house, with ropes and boards and logs for sitting not so pretty.
In this powerful seduction game set between a woman and a man, it is this which displays an array of poignant phrases, poet wishes, disguised by its very simple elegant phrasing anxiety coupled with her sexually. Deep down a woman knows what their true intentions, although perhaps intuit that he is lying, prefer the lies to the simple direct their mutual acceptance and ephemeral desires.
remember a medieval tale reaches a region where a minstrel show offering imitate the grunting of a pig. People are placed around it while it is wrapped in the cloak with his right arm making a hole, as the then charged to the animal. A petition of silence, the man hides his face between the coating and surprised people can hear the growl of a pig. By removing the layer and show that there is nothing down there, everyone burst into applause. On one such occasion, a farmer walks up and unimpressed, ensures the professional he can do better and challenge, to the derision of the spectators. The next day they come face to face professional impersonator and the farmer, who wears the coat. When it's up to mimic their turn, too theatrical gesture makes loading the pig in his arms and running the sound. Again people clap angry insults as the challenger, who has been all the time covered by the arm layer. When it comes the turn and make noise, people booed, stating that the imitator and not the jerk, the best plays the voice of the pig. Warning to all, the farmer discovers the arm and shows that all the time there has been a real pig, and that what is heard voice of a real animal and not imitated by a man. Shun
grotesque face, so we bring out. Therefore we prefer to pay attention to television and entertainment banality media rather than face the tough truth, mourner, mournful. We love the unreal because reality seems to love. We strive to real but we deny what we show immersed in that reality. We look forward to replace it with something that holds as false in an effort, perhaps, to believe that the daily misery is also false. But there it is. Until we accept without makeup, unimpeded, and without guilt. I think only then begin to fade to be indeed more pleasant and more bearable.
appears that the issue of acceptance of the truth, few are willing to bear. Maybe that's why the lie, falsehood, artificial and frivolous spreads freely. The day when the truth is a scandal and a shame, we will have finally taken this step as humanity's much talked about, so necessary and yet so postponed.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
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Goodnight beloved Masters are 3:35 in the morning, just close the computer, and wanting to get up, I feel your presence, and with great force.
So, I present you with all my love, and my boy grabadorcito to receive the message that anyone of you wants to convey.
"Oh my girl, my girl, I am the Mother Mary, you're so, so busy with everything you want covered, and everything they want from you, really, I've put it's name, kindergarten teacher, queries that come to you and that you hurry to respond, clearly demonstrate.
And frankly, you complained of, that you have not submitted prior to receiving the pipeline, because it is you've been wasting time, on the contrary, you are helping in your way so special, brothers in need, and have a great capacity to do so, because for a simple writing, has received more or less, the age of the person who writes, and either directly, gave, as they say, on the key, I congratulate you Alexiis, very well done.
Yo, today I come, because obviously, tomorrow, is of great importance to all humanity, have received thousands of messages about it. I know that many people gather in groups, do meditation or other ceremonies, say, to celebrate Wesak, but now I want to address, which, as you Alexiis are alone.
I know that for you, you're not from those intended for private ceremonies, will be a day of hard work, but work to help humanity, sending messages, with translations, with the pipelines, if any. And tomorrow if I ask, to pay attention, if anyone of you wants to pass at the last moment, some information.
Besides all this, is of course that does not even have time to read everything you receive, and you're also going through a critical media, because of your health, eye, critical not in the sense that you are in danger or anything like that. But your daughters, they want change, in a way, your style life.
I know you refused the first time, but yesterday the end, they agreed to. Well done, because really, for the overall picture is not important, you'll go your way, that, no doubt, and as you, every single human being has to become aware of who is and based on that act. And if someone has clear, what is your mission, you must also act accordingly.
This is a general recommendation in principle, has nothing to do with tomorrow's date, but for tomorrow's date, has passed both, but both material and, I do not want to add anything more to it, but simply, I want to refer to something that corresponds to the daily life of you.
everyday life, which in its most important, is the manifestation of love, if love and to love yourself. And with that, now, I'll let you go to rest, tomorrow we tax deductible.
I send all my love, and wrap them up in my blanket of light, I am the Mother Mary. "
Mother Thanks, and sorry I did not realize that before, you're right, so much is coming, so what's next, long discarded, but the important things I can not rule out, and yet beyond my ability to evaluate everything, read everything in order. Thank you Mother.
I know you understand me, and I am deeply grateful.
to, say tomorrow, because in reality, no time or space, so thanks.
May 17, 2011
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The unfortunate death of Pedro San Martín possibly put an end to a band that marked a whole generation of melancholy dreamers, among whom I encounter. Following the departure of Bob Sanchez, founder and lead guitarist of the group, following the publication of Soidemersol (1997), one of his best albums, and, above all, the vocalist Irantzu Valencia in 2009, the group seemed to bet Donosti his dubious future at a more than difficult conversion into the national music scene hard. However, the most recent example of their work, the EP small countries Travel (2009) bet to maintain the cadenced line and outside the fashion that had become the indispensable reference group of a certain type of sound, reminiscent of the 60, the French chanson, and certain air of bossanova with exquisite orchestral arrangements. Seven studio albums, some as bright as the aforementioned Soidemersol, Hallelujah! (2001) and Album (2003) - and a compilation, in addition to numerous EP's, up the unblemished record of a panel, those that appear to nest in a world apart, protected from taxation, trends programmed and airplay charts guarded by one, perhaps, not too large, but loyal audience, delivered like few others. I could check the only time I had chance to see them play live. Seville was in the Fun Club room will be about ten years. One, which has a short memory to recall the letters, he could observe around much of the audience chanted the songs in one way or another, they had gathered despite being home interests and conflicting lifestyles. Is it about the music. The detractors of the good life often call him a pretentious and haughty, to send messages to people that borders geeks forties, when not exceeded. I respect your opinion, since the band's music seems to stop Donostia miraculously in this border between sensitivity to the surface of the sanctimony. For the uninitiated I recommend you give it time, let the music gradually exert their powerful influence. Although The Good Life ceases to exist as a group, his work will live on in the ears less accommodating to radiofórmulas and successes.
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Sunday, May 15, 2011
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May 15, 2011
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Goodnight beloved Masters, are the two fewer 5 am, and I have been watching for some time, there is an energy present, but as I did not feel the need to communicate.
But now, with the possibility of closing the computer, and go to sleep, I prefer to introduce myself, before passing up the opportunity to send a message to you.
But honestly, I feel weird, is not the normal feeling I have. So, I take a deep breath and see what happens.
"If Alexiis, know why you feel this way, my name is Scaulo , and I am a being that you would call, in the dark, that's why you, physically sense, I am not a being of light, yet, and I want to explain this a little.
I know that normally, you reject it immediately, if one of us, you want to get, but I did today, I come up with another idea, so to speak.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to move to the light, I leave the darkness, I want to join the light workers, all working to the elevation of Mother Earth and sincerely finding out, how I can do this, ie spend the side, I have recommended that I connect with you, because you are the person who is capable, albeit to accept what I say.
Logically, if this will produce a rejection so big, I also understand that not transmit this message, or do not post it, but nevertheless, I have great hope that I have finally found as would say, a portal to enter the light. I've tried a long time, long ago I realized that what we are doing, we were doing is not right.
I tried to get information everywhere, at any given time, even I have had contact with the Master that you, call Yeshua, and he told me directly, that I can leave the darkness, and pass me the light, I have taken a long time to decide, because it is a life I've lived for eons of time, but now I feel the need to change it, I feel the need to support Mother Earth, and humans that go with it, for his ascension to the fifth dimension.
Master Yeshua, at the time told me that this was possible, of course I have to study a lot, I have to learn to love, I have to learn to grow that little flame, which is still alive in my heart. I know I have much to do, but just, I have indicated, I communicate with you, because as we affectionately call you Master, kindergarten teacher, you are the person who apparently has the courage to meet me, and not reject me because of principle, you realize that I am not one of the normal Masters of Light, with which you communicate.
Alexiis Dear, again I ask, and I have confidence that you are enough teachers, and for allowing me to take that step. This, I want to clarify for you, you will not have any consequences, because with your level evolutionary I know I have received many messages from extraterrestrial beings, and all kinds of souls who have not found another person, through which to speak.
I know all the evil we have done, but hopefully still be time to amend, at least, as far as I am, I am concerned. As I said to you, I will be eternally grateful to have been able to explain this, and I know that once this comes out, I will be helped by the beings of light, to follow my path.
So Alexiis Master, thank you that I've heard, thank you that you had the courage to get this message and to transmit it. And someday we will, but in the light. Thanks again. "
Wow, this really was strong, but nevertheless, I felt I had to accept it, well Yeshua, I know you're awake, and I thank you, with all my love, as always.
May 14, 2011
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Friday, May 13, 2011
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011
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writer and (almost) Manuel Francisco Reina generational partner has written a brief but loving review in The Blog of Arts and Letters Hola. From here really appreciate it.
Monday, May 9, 2011
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Sunday, May 8, 2011
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Teachers Good morning dear, are a quarter to eleven, and I was just answering someone who asked me, about what they represent my indicators. I look up and see that the platter spins too hard, so I interrupted, and I connect.
Here I am, waiting to see who needs to transmit a message.
As always, I get it with love.
"Alexiis Hello, I am Gaia, not long ago come to speak with you, because relatively few are the messages we convey, but sometimes necessary.
I recognize that through you, is doing a great job in terms of circles, groups love that are a lot of people who every day are connected to transmit love, light, whatever it takes.
Eye, I will not engage in, as is true in human terms, in an oversight, because I know that he who originally started this, my son called Sorema. Sorema Thanks for all you're doing, to spread and expand even more, the number of human beings who engage in this work everyday.
with this You two are giving me a great help, because it represents every day, energy flow, positive for me, with whom I can tell, to go forward, purification and cleaning I'm doing.
You know perfectly that there is much internal movement in my body, some of which can be logically interpreted as disasters, but as already explained, and often necessary; some parts of the world, will be eradicated, because they are so, so contaminated with negative energy, that there is no possibility of cleaning, then become submerged in water, and re-emerged other ancient lands, which will again provide the field of life, the provision for the development of humans, when we get together, you know, I want to take as many of my children. When we reach the fifth dimension, the earth will have a very different, but necessary.
For eons, eons, I've been injured, and suffered things that can not be eradicated, except deleting them completely.
humanity needs to understand, it is not, nor revenge, or anything, is in pain, those points that I have to come hard at those points, which means losses of life. But we also need to be clear, that these human lives, which in these parts, are removed from the planet Earth have volunteered for this, in part, for fixing a karmic debt they had, or were offered in service, as important souls of light.
Then those who are, say, do not cry, cheer him, because they have taken a major step in terms of what the soul has to experience.
Each is in different stage of evolution, but we must achieve a certain level of evolution, in order to move me. " And so it is why we insist always, working on their own being, to eliminate you, every speck of darkness to find, but do not expect anyone outside of their signals, then you have a speck, no, for that must go to interior. They have, arguably, self-analysis, there is. They have to consider that if there, burst into anger, they have to analyze, Did I do right?, No, anger is not right, it could have been another solution.
All that, are things that you must evaluate, they have to consider, and that it is necessary to see and study them, each one of you.
My dear children, each day I hope the lighting of a new little light, which means that a human has awakened.
I love them deeply, as a real mother, and mother I am, for you.
I send all my love and my light. I AM Gaia, Mother Earth. "
Oh Gaia, so long ago I have not talked to you, at least in this way, internally if, of course, but not well. Thank you, thank Mother Earth to soon.
May 8, 2011
Transcription :
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my dear sister, I have received notice, through a friend that I misbehaved lately.
I saw that you were here, and yet I have not been reported.
I hope that I apologize, you know perfectly well, I love you deeply. But You know, when I feel bad, let alone encouraged me to receive your message.
Now, I am waiting.
" ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
sister, I will not force a lot today, I know that you're not physically fit, but tones have to leave, the tones must heal.
And it's true, there are many messages, we must deliver, now you, have the great advantage that you do sleep, because you know, I can not go down to your size, to transmit messages.
So what I come to say today. Relax, Anita, relax, come swim with us, come to swim and play with dolphins, relax. All you who hear this, take a moment.
Close your eyes, métanse water, you will not having trouble breathing, and dolphins, they hold them, and they are playing. A Alexiis, the use of ball, is thrown at each other. And when I want to go to the depths, Alexiis holds onto my back, and down, and down. He has no breathing problems.
You, my dear fellow humans, do not know how beneficial it is for you, this, because we radiate joy, radiate well-being, as indicated by the notes. The serious work, Alexiis, you know that you do at night, I have no complaint there. But always, always I have to return, to insist, come swim with us.
Know, know they are your brothers, and little by little, they have become aware that, as many know, we have all the files, say akashic, the planet, the system of the universe, and you, humans, have to be becoming aware of that because you are going to have to be, those who run the new land. We, after eons of time, come to rest.
know perfectly well, and many of those who hear me, know what I mean. Think about it.
I send all my love and my light.
♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ "
Auralia Thanks, thanks.
May 7, 2011
http://alexiis-vozdelaluz .
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