Sergi Pamies Each book is a demonstration that brevity is, if necessarily good. Pamies is a goldsmith short distances, a teacher, so to speak, of the thinness acknowledged. In this sense, reminds me of another poet of the micronarración, Frenchman Philippe Delerm. If previous books as If you eat a lemon without making faces the author of Parisian origin leaning more humorous tone, here the balance is opting for the bittersweet, for a reservoir of melancholy and sadness indefinite reflected in nearly two dozen pieces each more original and stylistic virtuosity exponents where no word appears random. It is difficult to find in the current literary scene stories as round as Volunteers a wonderful twist to the world of fairy tales, or Survival , or how to think about the human condition through the stark irony.
Without doubt, the value Pàmies narratives of knowledge lies mostly in a story seemingly transcend vulgar man who has never learned to take the tie-to make it a little poem about the art of living. Yes, the work of Pàmies is very close to poetry, but also music. I remember at one point in the film's writer character played by Ethan Hawke in Before Sunset sun confessed to reporters intend to write a story set in the time -3, 4 minutes, which lasts a song. Sometimes the stories of Pàmies approach this desire, not only for its durability but for its musicality, its internal structure netamente melódica. La bicicleta estática lo vuelve a refrendar en su mágina combinación de continente y contenido. Este libro, como otros anteriores, debería ser de lectura obligatoria en los talleres literarios.
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