Beloved masters, good day, are 10:30 am.
You well know, that I never rely on them, with personal problems or the other, but I limit myself to convey the messages coming from you.
But today if it occurred to me to invoke the wizard Merlin.
Beloved Magician, I have received messages from you, to see if you can wave your magic wand, say, because it is impossible for a long time I have been reacting to my physical body to earthquakes.
But now, since China's major earthquake of 7 degrees, begin to react with ear pain, I have crazy.
Of course, I'm not a doctor, no doctor can understand this, nor understand my pressure peaks, which all have to do with what happens on the planet.
I do not know where to find the answer, because I do everything I can think of, I'm buried under posts, that I can not answer, I feel bad about it, because there may be important things.
But, pardon me for claiming I do not know if this is going to publish, but somehow, I need some support, any ideas, help. I'm deleting messages and messages that are not so important but people can not understand, to send only the important things.
Beloved Magician, if you have something to say, I am waiting.
"Alexiis Ay, my girl, I'm not used to, from you, to get a call like that, but of course I reply.
Here is what other teachers have told you also, you and other humans, lightworkers.
you, all you can do, get in their own feet, that is, you know, and be aware that you are a Goddess Light, and as such, you have to assert yourself against the amount of people who will not understand, you can not lose your time in things that are not are necessary.
Yes, it's cool, likes to lead, how important I am, I send this and this and that. I can not give the magic touch, that touch, must come from inside you, you have all the ability to do so, there are many more important things, that the forwarding, and forwarding messages, and some, I know they have asked you to stop, but do not want to hear.
You, as my counsel, take up to receive messages, it's okay to help other channelers, to post things that receive them, and also you take care of one another text, and everything else, throw, remove it, and if you have to delete whole pages of posts, do it, because it can be, you're so overwhelmed, unable to perform, you have to do.
Now, as to what happens to you physically, you too, are the only one who can convince his own Higher Self, that this can not be, can not be, now have found a new way reactions to earthquakes, or what happens on the planet.
already said last night, Ienmajá, all of you, percíbanlo, but know, so many years ago, said Tobias loved, please call behind the low wall. This is not yours, do not accept it, do not take the pressure peaks, do not take ear pain, just no. Tell her to your body, no.
need a strong body, a body that can respond to the needs of the moment and I know that at the beginning of the message, you mentioned that you do not know if you are publishing this.
Yes, I am the wizard Merlin, I strongly ask that you publish, because they are many, they have to make the decision, finally, get tough.
You have to be the beacons of light, which does not fold flat with no storm, allow yourself to be the simple human, third dimension, which for anything, the physical body reacts. Enough, enough, you are above this. They must make your Self, handle this.
can not be the physical body, do what you sing, not anymore. You are a Goddess Light Goddess Light are a Lemurian, which means that you have an antique, you are a soul, extremely old, and that at this time, you can not afford to fail, because your body will not do , what to do.
This is my message, Alexiis dear to you, and all they're going through these problems.
I send all my love, and begins to clear, and delete messages.
I am the magician Merlin.
Oh, thank Magician. Knowing that never get used to invoke them, but really did not know how to follow, thanks. I will do as you advise.
Thank you, and all my love, again.
March 26, 2011
http://alexiis-vozdelaluz. blogspot.com /