Ociociudades Ociociudades II
With've hit a ceiling, Pancho
You go quietly for a certain street. Suddenly feels the pain of the tire with a virtually inherent in the path element: a ceiling. The stops are a dying expansion. For the road stops as they are born to adolescent pimples. Is it because, according to our authorities, we are finally reaching maturity in communications? Thus, the stop-bar of our young city emerge where you least expect it. Can make up streets, avenues and alleys may be dredging, paired, renewed. Everything will be fine until The neighbors, almost automatically, decide that the builders forgot something: it is, it will go.
The top is emblematic of Mexico. I know of other places where you have such devotion to the top. And as in all cases, there is an amount equal to another. Some are on smooth, slippery, there are sharp, sudden. The fittings are similar to or trenches. Depending on the area, there will also be of different materials. I have had to find caps that were a first step armex castles. They were simply lying and how to hide its original source, they were placed in a muddy mix and now, to stop vehicles. They are of tepetate of tar, cement, even wooden poles having previously been knocked down.
caps have also become the subject of mimes. I've seen bunches of flowers, little crosses, stuffed bear and other ornaments to hide or accentuate. At the top is painted, it is decorated, thank you for your dedication in defending the lives of drunks swaying, reckless children, ladies rushed basket in hand, cyclists and pedestrians who decide that the sidewalk is too close to transit through .
The ceiling is a manifestation of anger, a little revenge against those who can afford to have the vehicle, so be discreet carcachita. The ceiling is so essential in the psyche citadina it will not matter that the street is riddled with potholes, or deformed in its cobbled up, let alone offering a curvature of traffic impossible.
The top is the panacea of \u200b\u200bignorance vial. Comply with traffic signals, pedestrian responsibility of the obligation is thus ruled out in advance. Therefore, we avoid both unnecessary expenditure of federal, state and local priorities for roads, eliminate traffic lights, pedestrian paths, traffic calming devices and restrictive. Devolvámosle to its original configuration flattened entire streets full of ups and downs. Llenémoslas cap. Only in this way and thus be satisfied with the city's image so much we wanted to build. Let us to stop the propagation of pure status that deserves and stop building them under the night.