Sunday, October 31, 2010
Swollen Jaw And Toothache
If I just leave my house I find the garbage bolsota. If the road has never missing accelerated beyond the right, if at the crossroads motorists are four rows in a two-way, and not letting agandallan to the next. If public offices to obtuse I'm still feeling committed employees meet the standard even though it has nothing to do with common sense. If more than try to reason with them, insist that if I do not bring this or that useless document I just do not do the procedure. If the garbage truck waste insists revolver properly separated, although he insists that should pick up the garbage at reasonable intervals. If the standard consumer stupidly insists on buying in the store with the largest letrerotes, although it appears that things are more expensive there. If you still have stores so close, insists move to the new mall, which is very far, just for taking their consumerist middle-class bathroom. If they lie to their god with the stubborn obsession with a barking dog, a hen and a sheep fled shit balls though they want to prove that I come in peace. If they refuse to reconsider a bit, or at least reflective display based on the evidence that they say the opposite of what his training has been instilling manners them without hesitation and without question. if you cry, boast, rage against the enemy has robbed them quiet, and then drool crazy when that same enemy are prescribed football, soap operas, and excuses to get out to empty your pocket, wallet and the account of the credit card . If they say one thing and do another, if they complain about the bad situation and then they refuse to change it. If every time you are encouraged to help mothers get offended and lied, if they are so selfish, if they are so idiots, if they are worth a shit, if you get offended if you tell them that. How then do not hate hate gender and belonging to him?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Other Gangs Nortenos Get Along With
IFC is the second of my friends who visits the dump that have not become ends in my cozy home. Well, soon came a music teacher to herd with the hardware of a battery that was running back and forth without any musical benefit.
We chatted for a short time in which we talked a little about literature, about the books they have read, about writers and poets who met in Monterrey, on some local writers on writers and their fervent underground fan turnouts , and finally tell me why almost no Like living with writers, inevitably talk about literature and its design (sometimes also mine) is as much egg will reflect on the trade.
I imagine a worker coming home after seven hours deafening factory ship, and made a sound of engines and scrapers and torches and hammers to his wife and children. As the thing is not that bad. Thus, this writer friend will not talk about literature with other writers. I understand.
speak, then, film, and finally conclude that the film is better look and not comment, so I just rescued the discount coupons that had previously gone to waste, and thanks to the extension of the deadline, we would avoid spending too much.
The movie was good, although inevitably made me realize that I might be a bit reactionary, I tend to enshrine certain characters to the point where I feel uncomfortable when resized to a more human, more deadly, more with the defects that characterize the species and less like the special character that I would like it to remain. Even before I had happened to Sherlock Holmes, and now confirmed with Hidalgo. Then
then, and this is part of what I talked with IFC, I emerged a recurring question: when do we stop being as we were ten years ago? All this cooling, the thorough grinding of the situations that before were simply spontaneous, genuine and well intentioned it may now be carried between the legs of this generation that we called "Mr." and not "carnal."
Still, we're still young, we remain as we were, just that we learned a little more of the world.
That is what I expect, or as I Ching.
(And we've fucked so many ...)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Dog Has Inflated Nipple
dealer Wipe, wipe! Cheap just a while! Do we give guerita, look how cool! The
life in the flea market is just that: life. One can travel corridors dodging diableros to dealers with bulky bags, collect the hundreds of flavors of vegetables, fruit, pork, groceries, Ocotito, boats, quesadillas, beyond shoes, wicker baskets and palm oil, meat exposed to the gaze , smell and the greed of hungry dogs. One slip with delight listening to a chaotic intertwining of voices, rumors, cries, and cries of haggling going on strike, you strike! And while dribbling the corn cart, weigh a pinecone and starts to bargain with the shepherd to achieve a price that both parties consider it appropriate, leaving both with the intimate feeling that closed a good deal. The flea
everything has a human face. One recognizes in the other subject that loads the shopping bag and think that back home she expects the tasty stew of ingredients that will ease the discomfort of the previous party.
Unlike the eighties pop repertoire and pseudo lounge, unable to specify their origin, slips into the mall environment, in flea markets have the speakers in front of you breathing tropical songs, gruperas, band, reggaeton, pop populachero the oldies. An amalgam of sounds that give authenticity and say much more than they would be willing to tell their listeners. Every sound provides the buyer with all the psychic load of who gets to loud.
At the mall you'll never begrudge someone who will not know if the fruit is three kilos thirty head, one twelve! The flea
can not buy anything and walk out satisfied with the visit. At the mall, you'll give and give laps, and although the cart is full, the existential void that led you there will be immense. Tianguis
The assistant has to guys that has his troubles, the consumer of a shopping mall is a psychoanalyst.
In the aseptic halls of the mall feel alone if you come across a hundred individuals, the cart requires distance. In the street markets are the gossips are unplanned and can spend hours chewing at ease while the whole neighborhood, in passing, you hear that so and so goes with sutanita and such went to the other side and that another has died of old, drunk or colic.
With the dealer can establish a deep connection with the box never used. The match never helpful shopping center will have the status of the central Oriole supplies.
from stall to stall a taste of each fruit, vegetables, meat and how much merchandise is found on boards, bags, baskets and burros metal tianguista prodigality of the case. If you dare bite a grape, a Jamoncito, a little juices, you immediately fall off the X department manager to tell you please do not open, touch or unfold before you pay anything.
And finally, to pay the lady of the vegetables will not make you feel uncomfortable for not accepting the institutional theft is the rounding, and if you still owe a few pennies will give the pylon.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Angled Wall Closet Rod Bracket
The vocation of street
only sufficient for the present situation to begin to germinate which fungi, souvenir vendors where you least expected.
enough that any street to show some unevenness in a little hole appears suddenly a selling tamales or boats. Enough for a bench is a little wider the other for a mesh grid as suddenly and display assembly from discs and pirated movies to belts, hats, bags and baubles of that ilk.
Moreover, only one road providing an adequate dose of stops ("speed bumps", reads some road signs), to offer you joy right there, potatoes, bread, orange juice, caps, car accessories , piñatas. For the short route to Puebla we piñatas, newsboys, seasonal fruits, ciders stacked on the ridges, kites (up to Papalotla, where else?), Talavera and other things typical of the area. Just any traffic light in its base plant a person offering fruit juice, depending on the time, can be the same freshness of fruit or fermented tepache plane. Because of scrounger
is sung parallel. Some, shovel in hand, waiting to see the cap offer paid their effort to plug a hole with gravel, or who, waving a shirt, exercising human traffic light.
But what made me write this is downright quaint amount which at the time attacked the small section that comes from the Greek seminar and until shortly before San Matías Tepetomatitlán. There, at different times was possible to find tamales and orange juice, peaches, pears peeled for all his bag of chile piquin, candy, peanuts and pralines, cakes prepared, taking cans of soda in a tub of ice on the side of the road, shirts, among other beauties. There were at least two vendors of these pingüinescos juices, come on, that even Tiger `s supermen and rubber saw there. Then there was the detail that the vendors had their trucks parked out there to stock up, and in case of fatigue, go sit, add taco road and prattle on about the shade of a blue tarp. I was eager to see if there walked a Sanirent hidden.
One, whatever, and places the street by an indefinable appearance. As they are brown, with an air of tanned by the sun, like a new dress, in short, you understand. I've seen lately is girls with traces more students in day pint of kids working for a living. Nice visor, cute toes, painted mouths gestitos not stand the heat Pelant, selling cell phone accessories, stuffed bear, pictures of those of rustic and thick paint.
Given these, I would not surprised to see, given the lateness of the work, premises as God intended, so that one pass as in the supermarket, checking labels and choosing what to buy the seller in turn. That
dealers endemic of our people, who all claim to sell, purchase catastrophic dimensions when we see it replicated in certain laws and threats privatization. In expropriation of archaeological sites in premature offers public databases, the highest bidder at auction for our own security, our education and public health.
So, What gives you the answers to these problems?
Does Olive Oil Really Work For Lice
* Got a text message *
The cell is the cornerstone of today. As was once the hat, or horse. Everyone should have one, and once taken, should be ensured that this was better than that, with more appeals or a better material down to the accessories, pen, ribbon, the casings, gear, everything conspicuous that it could be to differentiate themselves from others.
possess no longer be equivalent to, to get lost in the fluff, to be a fucking miserable unworthy to mingle with people. O and in a less dramatic, no friends of the alleged social rank. Well. Teens whether to seem like a drama and even tragedy. I have seen cases of loss of dignity so that Dad will buy the blackberry model 4500 or the most current. I've heard of robberies, sex trade, blackmail, so to buy one.
The cell is the gateway to social runways shoe phone. Contact has been overshadowed. It is now the model vary depending on the trends of the season. Designer phones, phones with bizarre combinations of colors and materials. Cell with many applications that have nothing to do with its original intent.
buy a cell phone now is to consult catalogs, visit shelves, and most importantly, keep in mind that does not seem at all to the cell of friendship which is to rise in status.
The cell is now, paradoxically, the ideal tool to have fewer friends, that the contacts we have thousands. No recently saw a TV commercial which showed a whole city bent, robotic, zombified, yet the small screens of their phones and ignorant of their surroundings. Isolated thanks to the headset, talking to nothing with the handsfree. Communication in this dynamic is now well: talking face to face is anachronistic. A cell phone is also a training and why George Orwell called "Newspeak", so essential in this accelerated news that is easy to communicate an idea through text messages, multimedia messages and emoticons. Communicate now is to exchange photos, songs, gif's. Is to replace the tongue and throat by the Bluetooth and infrared.
So if you get to keep even the electronic wall through which spoke to the geographically distant, have before you two choices: either you upgrade to the model in vogue or not you resign part of those chosen to appear on this blessed and hopeful RENAUT.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Funny Koozie Wedding Sayings
With've hit a ceiling, Pancho
You go quietly for a certain street. Suddenly feels the pain of the tire with a virtually inherent in the path element: a ceiling. The stops are a dying expansion. For the road stops as they are born to adolescent pimples. Is it because, according to our authorities, we are finally reaching maturity in communications? Thus, the stop-bar of our young city emerge where you least expect it. Can make up streets, avenues and alleys may be dredging, paired, renewed. Everything will be fine until The neighbors, almost automatically, decide that the builders forgot something: it is, it will go.
The top is emblematic of Mexico. I know of other places where you have such devotion to the top. And as in all cases, there is an amount equal to another. Some are on smooth, slippery, there are sharp, sudden. The fittings are similar to or trenches. Depending on the area, there will also be of different materials. I have had to find caps that were a first step armex castles. They were simply lying and how to hide its original source, they were placed in a muddy mix and now, to stop vehicles. They are of tepetate of tar, cement, even wooden poles having previously been knocked down.
caps have also become the subject of mimes. I've seen bunches of flowers, little crosses, stuffed bear and other ornaments to hide or accentuate. At the top is painted, it is decorated, thank you for your dedication in defending the lives of drunks swaying, reckless children, ladies rushed basket in hand, cyclists and pedestrians who decide that the sidewalk is too close to transit through .
The ceiling is a manifestation of anger, a little revenge against those who can afford to have the vehicle, so be discreet carcachita. The ceiling is so essential in the psyche citadina it will not matter that the street is riddled with potholes, or deformed in its cobbled up, let alone offering a curvature of traffic impossible.
The top is the panacea of \u200b\u200bignorance vial. Comply with traffic signals, pedestrian responsibility of the obligation is thus ruled out in advance. Therefore, we avoid both unnecessary expenditure of federal, state and local priorities for roads, eliminate traffic lights, pedestrian paths, traffic calming devices and restrictive. Devolvámosle to its original configuration flattened entire streets full of ups and downs. Llenémoslas cap. Only in this way and thus be satisfied with the city's image so much we wanted to build. Let us to stop the propagation of pure status that deserves and stop building them under the night.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Linsey Does The Doctor Complete ?]
What's more city dwellers than a dog?
Dogs are the catalyst for economic and social potential of the inhabitants of the city, or because at least their peripheries. Under this dynamic, is not itself a French poodle or a Rottweiler, a mongrel dog tailed. It is not the same as a cookie, a "Spike." Is not the same bag of kibble on the bag of chips. And is not it a belt with a vile rope logo.
manifest Dogs, like their owners, attitudes Similar but under different stimuli. The dog growls of city dwellers happy and healthy romp biter. The poor dog growls of rage and terror of another potential tormentor of his hunger and ribs.
It is therefore not surprising that further distance from the center of any town, the number of dogs increases. This fact is not fortuitous, due to a factor of the usual food chain. The dog has, like all species, with a natural predator: the automobile. Thus, the higher the concentration of motor vehicles, decrease the number of beasts in the same way.
In cities, governed by speed, the gasoline and the roar that marks territories dogs are doomed to roofs, backyards, and the belt in their time of ride. Of course I never miss the brave dogs who venture into a monstrously unequal struggle with the result of deaths on the road, at the rate an average rate of three on the road.
But, in contrast, in the slums, or high if geographically around the city dwellers in constant outbreaks spill, dogs are more territorial control, are owners of the streets, the parks, sidewalks and poles, their eternal allies on the issue of territorial marking. Still, it can still catch you by you with the cars, which despite their harassment in packs, snarling muzzles aimed at the tires, even frightened or forced to reduce speed. Therefore
: Dogs of the World Unite!
And córranle that trample!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Direct Burial Phone Line
few weeks ago I'm working on the sun Tlatlapas (hehe, EMZ dixit).
So start from today to make my contributions here, under the suggestive title of Leisure-Cities. Already
slowly I'll provide them with their pictures.
out, the following is the first
Thursday, May 6, 2010
What To Write In A Coworkers Wedding Card
whole days were devoted to scrutinizing public works bad images. There were three nights accommodating
photos on pages, putting framework, technical writing, giving full measures.
were several rounds of give and take with the head of the municipal works.
were weeks to put / remove / replace photos that did not convince the boss.
were days of inciting to the press for an end offset printing on the pages.
were hours of not eating, not sleeping, Tambach throw a lot of magazines that had already been postponed at least three times, and after promising that one day at a certain hour that afternoon and the have in their hands.
And now that do not give out, the boss says it's wrong, with errors they hide.
What fiasco!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Custom Online Design Championship Belts
In fact I have it pretty clear.
The real world is worth. Here and here live here feel. Here are my emotions, my feelings.
All through that window is presented to me is unbelievable and disjointed parade of flashy solo.
perceive as noise facebook announcements about X's friend comments Y. When I connect displayed lines and lines of people who do not know who put pastiches of philosophy, photos, links, comments, texts that just wrapped.
Something makes me feel uncomfortable with all those people. That crowd that suddenly appears without me being prepared to receive it. It is a loud party and not very productive.
too many friends who do not share a genuine friendship with me. Friends are labeled. They are friends that do not count. Friends that I can help when it comes to aid. I glide through spectacular
pretentious, hiding gray rubble fronts. Of the friends who are in real life, if found not know how, from now on, strike up a conversation. This noise is deafening modern
my eyes, cover my ears and prevents me from time to discern what I was looking at the moment to click the box enter.
And I went just to look at it ...
But I lose, I hide it in the crowd. I do not want to look like in those scenes where the crowd inert inner-city takes the latest upheavals of reaching out to me.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Russİan Bare Movİe
timid do not trust when they are willing to bend your hands at the lowest threat of restrictions.
When despite his bluster and grudges and grievances of coffee, at the last minute queues are impressive to pay for holding the phone in the bank charges, to register their cell phone data.
I do not trust when they talk of overthrowing the glitch and all simply register lists Facebook and then sit with the intimate sense of who has done his part.
I do not trust them when they are witnesses of these absurd partisan alliances, knowledge and ethics that involve betrayal begin to think about who band together to receive their share.
I do not trust them when they know the emotional manipulation of the mass, still follow the game to the media and echoed the death of a girl and her mysterious circumstances and ignoring soap opera so many more terrible and alarming because they come from the powers that surround us gradually.
I do not trust those who nod their heads and deny their actions, do not trust those given chest beating and stabbing in the back.
I do not trust those who are scared to play in identifying the culprit, if the culprit is respected.
I do not trust my own mistrust, because every act of my peers I leave this sad feeling of abandonment, helplessness, frustration that all that I can put vulnerable and then I'll finish my countrymen acting as such, in order to feel protected among the flock.
Until then, this bastion of rage that leave me, I still insist that there is still a way to do something, that we have to realize that we are against a few hundred million, that there never will be wiles, laws, censorship, punishment and revenge that can stop ...
... Only until we realize. Practically
Monday, March 29, 2010
Water Dries Out Mouth Water Makes My Mouth Dry?
its necessary exceptions, nor it was to leave the question bald. But finally burst to see those huge holes left by the abandonment of activities of advisory committees, the decline of support, the recess on state issues, the state awards by category and other beauties of that type.
now announced with great fanfare, in addition to the promotional media hype a couple of art contests in which trials will reward responsible for "marking" the centenary and bicentenary, you know, this offensive federal campaign to rejoice in something that still are not. It
that supports the arts are conditional on the goldfinches of power: I give you a prize provided escribaspinteshagasvideo about what I say. An operator with full freedom, to choose your theme, developing it as he pleases can not access these supports.
I do not forget that the creators in history have always worked in the shade and the whim of someone. Patrons of one form or another influence their work. But even now it's patronage, but vile mails to the artists. Did you want to wool is not? because there is, take it as long as you give me like, follow my instructions, help me with your art to legitimize my grandiose and megalomaniacal software.
I can not claim objectivity on this, surely I too will form in line and wait to SUS jurors decide whether written qualifiers validates their festivals, or on the contrary, pointed his finger at me if I wear flamboyant critical.
Friday, March 12, 2010
What Happened To Ls Studios
She's just a straight line, always was and will be. Unborn hanging on the straight line and when you're hanging from it as well.
She is beautiful, and divine love. She
we believe a world before our eyes.
now, today. She is jealous of his creation.
How Much Does It Cost For Plan B
0k, if not. Here you can find that the world is your guy. The vulgar
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Baby Shower Places In Austin
I'm back to my almost inactive in this area who would like more nourished by text, given my supposed literary status.
But a time to date, all income to the virtual world have been focused primarily to spy on the presence or absence of an entity across the world. The ups and downs of my sail in search of this siren are excuses for the fact that there is a hint of romance, I sometimes feel as safe and as many speculative. Either way, once you get messages that reiterates the relationship with some variation of intensities.
Meanwhile, out there it gets to every so intense, happy, busy and full of satisfactions.
is, for example, the workshop at the Museum Miguel N. Lira is walking with better luck than I expected my skeptical way of taking the courses. Then there is the matter of my income "official" payroll Totolac municipality, which will finally make me feel a gift from my work.
so, things are in balance.
greetings to the ether!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Window Curtain Hold Backs
hello motherfucker. prisca777 greets you. I just had an idea that I just forget, is that I have short term memory and then as I was saying, prisca77777 greets you. Today I'm going to talk about regueton, why not.
started. Suicide is an action is not acceptable to those who are performing well, but I think it does, must feel a even bigger pain than stand in front of a train train? to train train, yeah right and I uploaded ye travel long distances, I remember the train of clouds that clear when they collide, we get wet too soupy ass.
I went through the branches fucking bastard I am, of course my memory is that short-term notes that had been said about the reggaeton and it is.
reggaeton sound emitted is a certain sinister beings who manage to make women remove the tail and moving into your dick, hahaha is a sound that their only intention is to increase the sale of earplugs . But if you're the one who listens that music does not take it so bad, I have nothing against metal. What's more, I like metal, if there is a sound that I like reggaeton. Regueton was invented to speed the heart rate of normal people raising a high adrenaline that anger at those who dared to press play, but if you're friend who listens to this kind of music I want you to know that I have nothing against rock . It's more like rock me if something is not like reggaeton, regueton the listener with high volume is a child that his mother bore him with their legs tied, but a friend I have nothing against pop, all I love the reggaeton.
Well I think I said too much so, no other particular kimisita compliments.
But fuck that I can not remember my nickname which was pruned by not remember who but it was something like that asshole ninth ANCAM not, I will shorten the memory to such an extent that it can not remember how to write and not what the fuck is this I press no uwerq nonononono, uifi fuif uifi uifi fuif uifi, and now this, a little talk about what I said earlier so I'll be a little more.
youtube are the owners of a big circus, which is declining and videos deleted them comrades that with hard work made.
The circus owner has very limited mentally operators which are carried through the circus monkeys that are spam, delete videos. Then there are operators with his white cane, and that son of a bitch as I go by the homo branches, if you just want to talk about otaku.
Okay, my stove has a name that calls you to put the rising cold days as I'll go buy ice cream is that clear the money is created through debt, if bone no debt, there would be no money.
0k remember saying that regueton going to talk about.
Okay, reggaeton is not just a sound but an attitude that leads many authorities to dress well perreo this happens in all genres, but perhaps you motherfuckers are a genre? shit me up the temperature while you come to put your ass cold days
Electro Shock Games Pregnancy
Well I do not know, not finding the way and decided to do it myself.
And when I raise my leg and sit on my ship and pressed the accelerator to reach
be leaving
only have the here and now. There are doubts that? here and now, period. Everything turns out to be a little confusing because although we have the here and now, however I am typing on a keyboard that is the result of yesterday.
0k. here and now is what you get. We can stay floating in what is real to 1000 by 1000. But, but, but.
The here and now can be somewhat annoying because of yesterday. Cause and effect.
I re, re re wise and just live here and now. and when I air shit shit just that yesterday as well that I lived here and now, makes it difficult to eat my own shit, and nails apparently not fed me well. How odd. may have to try with the toenails.
Tomorrow is just a projection of our mind, a dream, an illusion. The odds of tomorrow are high but no, I'm here, living alone right now.
is coming era where science type accepts certain religious doctrines, and indeed even Doctors recommend unwittingly generalize sometimes go to such spiritual issues.
50 years only live in the here and now and just try to enjoy my inhale and exhale and watch the sky and seagulls pass.
I think I have no doubt that nobody can reach 50 years old living so that we would be killing themselves slowly, and if it turns out that if you arrive at that age I have no doubt that we are talking about a hobo.
I go for whores branches and wonder. Believe that dreams come true? not think that in itself already a reality?
and do not believe in God? haha, I assure you that if you squeeze the eggs for a whole week, you're going to appoint and in fact you're going to plead and beg.
All that I'm saying will make sense as elapsed.
thought and action here and now, is against the laws of cause and effect.
also collide But if Newton's theory with quantum physics.
then? I am in favor or against the excess of thought started in the here and now?
The point is not about being for or against and that is a fact. It's real, I can not reject that thought, but can not reject the law of cause and effect which manifests itself every day. So?
Yes I know tomorrow will be the result of today, and today I am the result of yesterday, but I am aware that today I have only the here and now, what happens? perhaps this illusion called morning should take this as a high probability, but what is certain, but it sure is the case seriously now that I know. I think just about plant today to reap tomorrow, but if I have no desire to bend to plant? tomorrow there will be no harvest, but there is no tomorrow, and today I have nothing to flourish because they do not sow yesterday, but yesterday, and there is not, yesterday I have not now, I can only see today, some effects produce such emptiness, nothing, that's still an effect.
Monday, March 1, 2010
2001 Celica Bad Struts
How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Jcb
Some Blood Vessel In Uvula
Monday, January 25, 2010
Vaseline Cloth Diapers
Mexico, I believe in you
softness in the country who sing in chorus
While your access to it are so harsh.
I believe in your desire to give yourself
laws And the men who change every time, depending on group interests.
I believe in your law, provided that such law suits
Because then I say: to hell with the institutions.
I believe in your wisdom to give yourself laws, federal, state, local and community, and your wisdom to change when people angrily protest their poor or no implementation.
I believe in your people, you wiser than your legislators, say that laws are made to be broken.
I then in your power to mend the same, as evidenced by a six-year after another phone legislatures that write and erase entire paragraphs at the whim of the great constitution, which thanks to both patch, decree, annex, encores and paragraphs, ended by losing the country smoothly.
you believe in their own right, by your rule of law, because I have an inalienable right to believe that I have rights.
Although every day I prove that I have right to remain silent about the abuses, or face the consequences.
I think in my duty to proclaim my rights and those of my peers, in a country where it is clear that the rights they fight, but not guaranteed. In a country where so much talk of constitution, precisely because no one seems to know.
believe in the power of your voice to demand your rights, but also believe in the suspicious silence of those who should be guaranteed. Because in the end that the speech is part of the right to lie to an official and legislator and ruler and head and upper range have.
Thereupon my puny right is to choose among the previously elected. And if you do not vote, then shut up.
Because I believe in you now and then, common sense prevails your citizens, that parallel foreign laws, ordinances absurd, legality held with pins to suit the extent of the power groups know how to respect the rules basic living. So I think
more on my peers, who know that to live in harmony, no need so many laws, but a deep sense of peace and respect and harmony and reason.
Mexico, I believe in you
in your uncorrupted nature, but in the way they hit you bad habits.
I believe in your efforts to get rid of it, if what is left of them reach to benefit even a little. Because
and swindle, and advanced, and were served with large spoon, and lived the year of Hidalgo, and made her pussy, and now he
mine and yours, and each and every one of your citizens. I believe in your uncorrupted
peace that has been buying media with guns, with positions of trust, with bites to the police leave me alone with the teacher to bribe me to approve the matter, with the cynical smile when I was messing cachan , wasting, swindle, committing crimes.
I believe in your ability to put aside so sticky and wildcard skill. Because I believe that after all and after all, you can still clean up your image of institutionalized corruption, as long as I and my fellow cease to be the stereotype of the corrupt to represent you.
Mexico, I believe in you
on your uniform, your consistency, your truism that everyone is equal.
I think more when I have access to certain places, when I feel the need for a certain image, of attitudes, a certain presumption of economic superiority, racial, linguistic or intellectual.
I believe even more when I meet one of your children more disadvantaged when compared with that when I come out ahead. When I see that you have given me the chance to beat at the expense of that poor wretch, lazy, ignorant, who failed to overcome or exploit opportunities like me.
I think that everyone is equal, I firmly believe, as I also believe that there are things and people that should not be mixed, because thank God, there are still social classes.
why my beautiful and beloved Mexico, in spite of your kinks, your speeches, your inconsistencies,
I believe in you as much as I believe that we have to find lost causes.
I believe in my ability and my brothers and my peers and my countrymen, to make the heavy load of platitudes and clichés and preconceptions, and begin to rise above them, I improved as an individual, to get better as you country, so to speak with great pride, and even cry
Word That Have Gold In Them
Fools of us still do not realize and continue to believe that everywhere we have taken the neck. Hanged by debt concerns, the minute everyday needs for more than try to solve, both immediate overwhelm us as it is steadily rising. Submitted
by systematic training and education system complicity between castrating, an almost insurmountable wall screens erected by frivolous and unnecessary devices that come with the shackles of emotional dependence, and an awful television duopoly that trains us to become consumers and acceptors drooling truths rigged. Dependent
wills absolute monster of a report by the crowd decides the best way to keep us expectant of their comings and goings of money. Drug dependent, scared every now and then lining up for a mask useless vaccine purchased at a price of collective fear, but unable to get vaccinated against the highly dangerous virus is the illusion of freedom that every day we prescribe the powers.
"Fire the bicentennial?
have burning legs to gandallas not want to release the power of little treasure! That burn in the fires of hell heretics who swindled us freedom! Let them burn in the cleansing fire thousands of empty words and statistics and graphs falamente porcentuan of our poverty reduction!
That burns all that be damned, let's see if, once and forever, we are finally independent of this fucking life!